Monday, August 25, 2008

College Days-2

Group theatre is the most amazing thing that I was regularly involved during my college days. I remember that I was in the third year of my college when I started going to Theatre club called “Nabin”. This club was situated in “Khagra” area of Berhampore. That place is a very well known place to me as that is place of my “Mamar Badi” (Uncle’s house). I will write about my mamar badi in a different post sometime in future as I had a quite a lot of memory associated with that… I was offering little tuition classes that days. And my connection with “Nabin” from one such tuition that I used to offer to “Maman” that area. Now, it just happened that Maman’s father was president of that club. And he first asked me to join group. I have an interest for Group theatre within myself that days and this was just the push I required. Now in those days it was always a group of friend’s affair in whatever we do. So I just asked Hillol to come with me and it seemed he has greater interest than me and he gleefully accept to come with me in the Group.

Our “Nabin” days were very memorable. I remember the first day when we felt awkward among the aged people around us. But after we found it was the only age which is different among us as thoughts were similar in most of us. And then we got gelled in the group as the days passing by.

We have participated in quite a few drama while our days in Nabin. The famous among them was the play where I have done a role of Goon in political drama based on the 71’s unrest situation of Bengal. I remember the name of the character also. “Mona” it called. It was a smash hit within our college group. Actually we had to sell a quite a lot tickets from out quota in college because that was place where we had hold and prominent presence. And after all we were in the third year and we were very much popular…especially among our juniors.......

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